Our Impact 2023
In our second year as a charity, we share the progress we've made in inspiring girls and boys about tech careers and creating pathways into technology for women.
Changing the ratio - together
Our mission as a charity is really clear - women MUST be equal members in creating and developing the new technology businesses, products, and services that shape our world. As we come to the end of our second year as a charity - our initiatives are having a significant impact on doing just that.
We are directly creating a more diverse workforce for now and in the longer-term.
Together we have inspired tens of thousands of children, especially girls, about careers in technology through our free Tech We Can resources and experiences.
We have created pathways into tech jobs for women. And we have inspired change in education, industry and policy.
Most importantly, we have done this together with our unique community - thank you.
Sheridan Ash MBE & Dr Claire Thorne
Tech She Can Co-CEOs

Our impact in numbers

Tech We Can
Thousands of teachers and careers advisors are using and sharing our resources, and signing up to our live lessons and assembly experiences.
Pupils are really engaged in our assemblies. But, even more im-portantly, they are enjoying the assemblies with teachers rating this of 5 out of 5!
100% of teachers who attended a live assembly said they would like to attend another and many of our teachers connect with us because another teacher recommended our resources.
Our resources have been translated into other languages, adapted for special education needs and reached remote, rural areas of Africa through our charitable partnership.
Our Tech We Can Champions have now reached 12,300 pupils, with Super Champions Abbie from NatWest and Margret from Morgan Stanley reaching almost 1,000 pupils each! After an assembly, children are twice as likely to consider a tech career. After a second or even third interventions there are even better results.
Check our our free Tech We Can resources.

Our impact in numbers

Career Insight Days

We launched Career Insight Days this year as part of our CSR Born to Be youth engagement programme and the impact has been so power-ful for everyone involved.
Groups of girls are invited to spend an immersive day in our office. The girls are selected based on a range of criteria related to social mobility and their aspirations.
They experience a day hearing from a woman CIO or CTO, job shadow-ing, learning about different path-ways into tech roles, and seeing demos in emerging tech labs.
For the first time, they see that organisations like Deutsche Bank are in fact technology organisations and the various roles within them are made visible.
By far the most valuable part of the day is meeting the role models. They see women they relate to - from the same backgrounds they come from - having a successful and rewarding career in tech.
80% of the girls said the days changed their thoughts about their next step.
We also see their understanding, and interest, in different career paths grow, with 70% interested in tech apprenticeships after the day.
But, most importantly, we ignite their passion. 95% said they thought a tech career would be exciting - almost 5 times as many as at the start of the day!”
Sarah Weller Head of Client 360 Technology,
IB Technology, Deutsche Bank

We know that our member organisations are really struggling to find diverse, talented people to join them.
Tech She Can launched a levy-sharing programme in which some of our Strategic Partners collectively donated £1m of ‘waste levy’. That was redistributed to fully-fund tech apprentices in SMEs and charities within the Tech She Can community.
The first cohort with Multiverse has 60 tech apprentices and 91% are women. The next cohort is now being launched with Makers, so even more organisations and women will benefit.
This is a real, tangible progress that is changing the pipeline, resulting in more women in the tech work-force right now.
Read our 2023 Impact Report in full
Join our mission
Tech She Can is acting now to provide initiatives and pathways to tackle the skills gap and lack of diversity. Together. We start early, inspiring school children about tech careers, through to supporting women in the current workforce to learn new skills and pivot into tech.
Our ambition is for Tech We Can resources and experiences to reach every UK child, multiple times - at the moments that matter.
Influencing change
This year Tech She Can has cemented itself as an independent trusted advisor, helping to shape best practice and policy across the political parties, industry, education and the third sector.
As well as speaking on panels, podcasts and at events, Sheridan and Claire have been invited to 10 Downing Street to participate in tech and skills roundtables. They have given evidence at the Select Committee for Education in the House of Lords and Labour Women in Tech have looked to them for insights.

Get involved
Funding is key – we need to raise funds not only to continue the work we are doing, but to continue to increase our reach and develop new initiatives.
Organisations can join our community and make a commitment to creating the right environment to attract, retain and advance women in tech.
Individuals can train to be a Tech We Can Champion and deliver lessons - virtually or in-person - to inspire children in the classroom.
You can also engage with us on social media and share our stories - or even your own - to help inspire others to #ChangeTheRatio.
Our impact 2022
Check out the impact we had in our first year as a charity.