Event Summary: Overcoming Global Barriers – Inspiring Children's Future Careers in Technology

The live session was an opportunity for our audiences to learn from Becky Patel, Head of Education at Tech She Can, and Regina Nkenchor, Founder of Open Kids Africa, as they discussed their experiences of the education system, and the challenges and opportunities in play when it comes to nurturing children's career aspirations in the tech industry on a global scale. 

Through the session, we discovered that whilst rural communities in Nigeria lack basic resources such as electricity, some UK schools, especially in social mobility cold spots, experience a similar level of access to technology like VR headsets and individual pieces of tech equipment. 

We were able to delve into the significant barriers that children worldwide face when aspiring to careers in technology, and despite geographical and cultural differences, the session highlighted many shared obstacles, such as limited access to resources, gender stereotypes, and lack of understanding and buy-in from parents.

Regina and Becky shared some of their proudest moments through their work at Tech She Can and OpenKids Africa, and it was a brilliant opportunity to celebrate the resources both charities use, such as the lesson packs and Katie and Tex Animations

It gives us great pleasure to know that our resources are not only globally relevant, but well received by the children!

Regina Nkenchor, who is the Founder of OpenKids Africa has been working towards a mission of, “Connecting every African child to a digital future through the delivery of free tech lessons in rural schools”. 

Open Kids Africa uses a number of Tech She Can resources in their outreach work, such as our Katie and Tex animations, and have even tuned in to watch our Live Lessons with school children in Africa this year! 

The event underscored the importance of both organisation’s work in addressing these issues, and our alignment as charities in working towards the same mission. 

To find out more about our work at Tech She Can and Open Kids Africa and ways you can support us please take a look at the links below. 

Tech She Can: https://techshecan.org/support-our-work 

Open Kids Africa: https://www.openkidsafrica.org/ 

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